Some Questions Frequently Asked About Workers’ Compensation In Kansas And Missouri
At The Law Office of Michael J. Joshi, there are some questions many clients want answered right away. Here are a few of the most common questions my clients ask. For answers to your specific questions and legal advice from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, please call my office at 913-428-0199 or send me an email.
Do My Disability Benefits Begin Right Away?
No, each state has a waiting period before benefits begin.
In Missouri, no benefits are paid for the first three business days after the injury but will be paid if the disability lasts at least 14 days.
The waiting period is seven days in Kansas, but benefits will be retroactively paid if the disability lasts for three consecutive weeks.
Can I Choose My Own Doctor Or Health Care Provider?
Legally, you do have that right, but economically it is usually not possible. Under the workers’ compensation system, the employer has the right to choose the doctor. If you elect to see another medical professional, it will be at your own expense. Kansas allows a maximum of $500 to cover medical expenses for this purpose. In Missouri, your employer and their insurer may authorize you to see your own health care provider. It is best to check with them prior to seeking medical treatment. Generally, even if you have private health insurance, most providers will not cover work-related injuries.
What If I Am Denied Benefits Or Released To Go Back To Work When I Am Unable To Work?
If you are contending with the denial of your claim or are not receiving all the benefits that are part of your claim, you have the right to appeal that decision.
Kansas and Missouri have several methods to resolve such disputes. Typically, you must provide your employer with written notice of your disagreement and try to resolve the issue with the employer directly.
The state’s workers’ compensation division provides alternative dispute resolution procedures such as mediation and informal conferences. If you are unable to reach a satisfactory resolution, it is possible to request an administrative law hearing where a judge will hear the case, receive evidence and testimony, and reach a conclusion.
At every stage of your appeal process, you have the right to the legal counsel of a workers’ compensation attorney.
Contact Me For A Free Consultation
Many workers make the mistake of trying to solve their workers’ compensation problem on their own. You have a limited time to follow through on the requirements to receive the compensation you deserve. Call my office right away at 913-428-0199 or send me an email to pursue your claim or appeal a denial.