Don’t let the name fool you; tennis elbow doesn’t only afflict people with an affinity for the sport after which it’s named. This condition also impacts people in certain professions, such as painters or people who use hand tools on a regular basis. As repetitive motion continues, tennis elbow will grow worse over time. This leads to significant pain and discomfort, which prevents a person from earning a living in some cases.
In terms of risk factors, a person’s occupation can have an impact on the development of tennis elbow. Repeated use of the muscles in the forearms can cause minute tears in the tendons over time. Office workers who use a computer on a daily basis often experience symptoms. Chefs may also develop tennis elbow, as can plumbers and carpenters. Along with occupation, age also increases risk. This condition is most common in those aged 30 to 50 years old.
The most obvious symptom of tennis elbow is the pain that it causes. The pain usually starts within the elbow are and makes its way down to the wrist and forearm. Muscle weakness can also occur. This makes it difficult to grip objects, such as cups, or even to shake hands. In terms of treatment, may doctors recommend conservative measures, such as rest and ice, when the condition is mild.
Some people experience more severe symptoms, some of which may be debilitating. In this case, more advanced treatment is needed. Along with physical therapy, some patients must undergo a medical procedure. These include injections, which go into the tendon so medication can be administered. Injections can also be used to break down damaged tissue, which is then removed via suction. Damaged tendon tissue can also be removed by surgery, which is usually reserved for people who’ve experienced no relief after other treatments.