Many individuals who file a Social Security disability claim are not approved because they lack the minimum tax credits reflected in their working career. Filing for disability before age 62 requires applicants to apply first based on their eligibility for Social...
Social Security Disability
Are your SSDI benefits taxable?
Kansas residents who are unable to work due to a medical condition or other disability are eligible to receive Social Security Disability. This is a type of benefit provided by the Social Security Administration. One of the biggest questions that people have is...
Can you work and still collect SSDI benefits?
Social Security Disability Insurance is intended to help individuals who are disabled and unable to work to sustain themselves financially. If you're currently receiving SSDI benefits, you may be wondering whether or not you may try to pick up a part-time job. The...
Social Security Disability and ALS
For a long time, Kansas residents with ALS were impacted by a serious oversight in the law. Even after being diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, they were expected to wait up to five months for Social Security Disability benefits to start. Also known as Lou...
Why do so many SSDI cases get denied?
Ideally, the Social Security disability application process would be hassle-free, that's not always the case. Over 70% of the initial claims submitted for people with disabilities are denied. This can lead many Kansas residents to question why so many cases are being...
Do you lose SSD benefits when you retire?
If you're a disabled adult living in Kansas, you might qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits. SSD benefits replace your regular income so you can continue supporting your family. But what happens when you start to reach retirement age? Can you receive...
Would the Social Security Administration deem you disabled?
Disability comes in many forms. To get Social Security disability benefits, you must be disabled in specific ways. Not every form of disability counts for SSD. How can you tell whether, for the purpose of SSD, you’re considered disabled? Can you work? Social Security...
Understanding the Social Security benefit approval process
Social Security is a government program that may be the best provision for Kansas residents who have a provable physical or mentally debilitating condition. The problem with Social Security disability is that it takes so long for those who are questionably disabled to...
Social Security, Supplemental Security Income to increase in 2021
If you receive disability benefits or are looking to receive them in the future, then you will be happy to know that both Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income payments will increase in 2021. According to news from Oct. 14, the Social Security...
Do you have a right to disability benefits if you have cancer?
Cancer can make it very difficult to keep working. Even if the disease doesn't itself isn't limiting you, the treatments can be difficult and drain your ability to function normally.A cancer diagnosis may qualify you for Social Security Disability benefits, but...